About spirituality
9/22/2010 11:01:00 π.μ.
Αναρτήθηκε από
Nick Fassolas
From this is easy to extract the fact that spirituality is something personal and subjective.
Unfortunately in our societies this personal quest of understanding our self or of a relationship with 'that which is greater than self" has been victimized by our religious institutions and many others that seek followers for their own agenda.
While it is not a bad thing to talk about our innermost thoughts about what is called “the divine”, or on how things might work at a theoretical/spiritual level, it becomes a problematic factor when it affects our reality or when we exhaust all of our energy into this matter.
Fortunately science has given us enough proof on the symbiotic nature of things. This could also be called a “spiritual” awakening and it is this important understanding that we should introduce to our self and as a result to the societies we live in.
The big difference in this awakening is that it’s not subjective and that it follows the universal laws of how things work and not an individual’s subjective reality; it’s an objective and tangible reality.
Understanding how things work makes the resolving of our social problems a priority. However, there is no spirituality involved is this process, personal introspection is an important factor and some might call that spirituality, what anyone chooses to call it has no relevance, what matters is to understand that we have been indoctrinated into accepting absurdity as our reality.
When we gain this knowledge we become a different person, someone who looks at the world with a different perspective and understands that our best human qualities have been taken away from us at an early age, it is time to re-discover them and at the same time produce the mechanisms that will attack the problems of humanity at their foundations and eventually help our society outgrow them.
One of our biggest tasks is to free humanity from this arrested development we now live in and through education to abolish ignorance, while at the same time we focus our efforts to help others understand that this isn’t going to happen with prayers.
My suggestion…Fist we eliminate and eventually outgrow our society’s problems, keeping in mind, our newly discovered awareness, that everything is connected and that most of our problems are technical, and then we will have all the time in the world to talk and philosophize about everything, even about something as elusive and misused as the idea of a divine universal super creator of all things, fair enough?
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