Drifted into Apathy
9/23/2010 12:32:00 μ.μ.
Αναρτήθηκε από
Nick Fassolas
The journey of man on this planet started, according to our current knowledge, 3 billion years ago with the emergence of Cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) single cell organisms that via photosynthesis produce oxygen in the atmosphere.
Few billion years later, through evolution and nearly 200.000 years ago, Homo sapiens, today’s human, made his appearance, the great, great, great grandson of these single cell organisms.
These people, our common ancestors, lived in a beautiful and rich in natural resources world, but it was a dangerous world. This world was so dangerous that 70,000 years ago when the super volcano Toba in Sumatra exploded, six years of volcanic winter followed its eruption; the result was 1000 years of ice age and fewer than 10,000 adult humans surviving this disaster!
It was a world in which man was trying to survive, constantly trying to escape from the clutches of larger predators than him, constantly trying to find food under difficult conditions to survive.
But they learned to survive by giving this endless fight, day and night, year after year, the same way other animals do to survive, they formed small groups of people and implemented the simplest social system there is, the one that we now know as “the pack”.
The pack is the simplest form of social partnership, where the strongest dominates the weakest and keeps for him the greater share of the pie of survival.
Our ancestors 200,000 years ago were brutal and violent, but they could not have been anything other than that. They did not have abundance of resources or food that could have given them the opportunity to prosper.
In this difficult environment, competition among humans for food was necessary in order to survive. Stratification among the members of the pack, starting with the strongest being on top and continuing downwards to the rest of the pack was something natural and unavoidable.
Today, after hundreds of thousands of years, modern people are still violent and brutal and maintain the same social system of the pack as well as the inequities resulting from it, although it’s no longer needed.
Humans no longer have to compete with one another, yet in schools and universities, children and young people around the world learn that the only force that motivates humans is competition.
In short we learn that the winner takes it all.
The economic crisis causing the huge injustices we see around us every day that affect billions of people all around the world, hunger, poverty, war, racism, degradation of the importance of all kinds of life on the planet, are the results of this mentality of the pack. In order to preserve it, a small group of people imposes this social monstrosity on the rest of the world, they constantly use all means necessary to do that and to indoctrinate everyone on this planer to accept it and never challenge this system.
This year 104 million children were born and 44 million people died.
This year 101 billion m² of forest were cut down and only 40 billion m² were planted.
Immediately we notice a paradox.
The fact that, while the human population grows annually by 60 million, 60 billion m² of forest are lost each year!
And that is the paradox.
While for humans, and not only, the need for oxygen increases every year, the natural factories that produce it are being rapidly reduced and its not because of natural events, we humans, the ones that need it the most, are responsible for this absurdity.
We are committing suicide and at the same time we are murdering all other life form on this planet that needs oxygen in order to survive.
Maybe we should ask ourselves, where did we go wrong?
How is it, that this unique achievement of natural selection, the Homo Sapiens, the only species on this planet with high intellect, the living being that nature it self selected it to be the caretaker (not the owner) of this unique world through the billion years of natural evolution… we must ask this with sincerity, why are we killing our self’s and taking everything else on this planet to this path of certain death?
By using modern technology we have managed to banish the shortages and scarcity, yet 15 million children die each year from hunger.
Today, technology allows humans to produce 70 billion TONS of food each year; we could feed the population of the entire planet many times!
However, 1.5 billion people today live in a perpetual state of hunger, one person dies of hunger every 3.6 seconds, and two thirds of the world's children population eat very little.
Ultimately, are humans idiots? Or is it that somewhere along the way we have lost our best qualities, our natural path as intelligent beings?
The answers to all these absurd things that are happening all around the world in today's society and characterize the current human civilization as brutal and inhumane can be found in the simplicity of the social "model of the Pack" in the ways that it manifests in its contemporary form through the established institutions with monetary economics, politics, religion and the outdated judicial system.
Sometimes, when I talk to my six year old daughter, I try to instil to her young mind another value system, an ethical system, I try to introduce her to compassion, to solidarity and trust towards others ... I however find my self in a very difficult position.
As a father I fear that in this society of the pack, which we still maintain against all reason, my daughter will constantly fall victim to those that have been taught competition, indifference, personal gain at any cost and guile against the other.
The results of these indoctrinations are pervasive around us, most of us grow up according to these standards, we are indifferent, we are passive and soaked in artificial ignorance, and we have left our modern “civilized” societies to drift into the worst situation possible, apathy.
Fortunately, even today, there are examples of what people can do when they join forces and get out of the stupor of apathy.
I personally do not want to be forced in the future to find an answer to the possible question that my daughter might ask, " Father, didn’t you see how wrong all this was? Why didn’t you do something to change all this?”
I don’t want any child, EVER, to have to ask this question.
For this reason I have concentrated all my efforts into understanding what The Venus Project proposes and have done the best that I can do to help people become aware of this new social direction.
We are here to become acquainted to a new perspective, and to awaken our societies to a new direction, not only for mankind but for every living being on this planet.
We are here to be re-introduced to the best qualities that the human species can achieve.
It's time to join forces and stop the apathy and ignorance that has artificially been imposed to us via our modern “society of the pack”.
We must take serious and intelligent steps in order to awaken our fellow human beings to the potential that the Venus Project represents.
The potential to create a society that works together, instead of against each other, towards a sustainable, creative, hopeful and abundant future.
Let us share this vision of the future with many others, a future that is already, slowly but gradually, becoming a realistic possibility for millions of people around the world that have joined the Zeitgeist Movement.
"Change in all things is sweet." Aristotle
Few billion years later, through evolution and nearly 200.000 years ago, Homo sapiens, today’s human, made his appearance, the great, great, great grandson of these single cell organisms.
These people, our common ancestors, lived in a beautiful and rich in natural resources world, but it was a dangerous world. This world was so dangerous that 70,000 years ago when the super volcano Toba in Sumatra exploded, six years of volcanic winter followed its eruption; the result was 1000 years of ice age and fewer than 10,000 adult humans surviving this disaster!
It was a world in which man was trying to survive, constantly trying to escape from the clutches of larger predators than him, constantly trying to find food under difficult conditions to survive.
But they learned to survive by giving this endless fight, day and night, year after year, the same way other animals do to survive, they formed small groups of people and implemented the simplest social system there is, the one that we now know as “the pack”.
The pack is the simplest form of social partnership, where the strongest dominates the weakest and keeps for him the greater share of the pie of survival.
Our ancestors 200,000 years ago were brutal and violent, but they could not have been anything other than that. They did not have abundance of resources or food that could have given them the opportunity to prosper.
In this difficult environment, competition among humans for food was necessary in order to survive. Stratification among the members of the pack, starting with the strongest being on top and continuing downwards to the rest of the pack was something natural and unavoidable.
Today, after hundreds of thousands of years, modern people are still violent and brutal and maintain the same social system of the pack as well as the inequities resulting from it, although it’s no longer needed.
Humans no longer have to compete with one another, yet in schools and universities, children and young people around the world learn that the only force that motivates humans is competition.
In short we learn that the winner takes it all.
The economic crisis causing the huge injustices we see around us every day that affect billions of people all around the world, hunger, poverty, war, racism, degradation of the importance of all kinds of life on the planet, are the results of this mentality of the pack. In order to preserve it, a small group of people imposes this social monstrosity on the rest of the world, they constantly use all means necessary to do that and to indoctrinate everyone on this planer to accept it and never challenge this system.
This year 104 million children were born and 44 million people died.
This year 101 billion m² of forest were cut down and only 40 billion m² were planted.
Immediately we notice a paradox.
The fact that, while the human population grows annually by 60 million, 60 billion m² of forest are lost each year!
And that is the paradox.
While for humans, and not only, the need for oxygen increases every year, the natural factories that produce it are being rapidly reduced and its not because of natural events, we humans, the ones that need it the most, are responsible for this absurdity.
We are committing suicide and at the same time we are murdering all other life form on this planet that needs oxygen in order to survive.
Maybe we should ask ourselves, where did we go wrong?
How is it, that this unique achievement of natural selection, the Homo Sapiens, the only species on this planet with high intellect, the living being that nature it self selected it to be the caretaker (not the owner) of this unique world through the billion years of natural evolution… we must ask this with sincerity, why are we killing our self’s and taking everything else on this planet to this path of certain death?
By using modern technology we have managed to banish the shortages and scarcity, yet 15 million children die each year from hunger.
Today, technology allows humans to produce 70 billion TONS of food each year; we could feed the population of the entire planet many times!
However, 1.5 billion people today live in a perpetual state of hunger, one person dies of hunger every 3.6 seconds, and two thirds of the world's children population eat very little.
Ultimately, are humans idiots? Or is it that somewhere along the way we have lost our best qualities, our natural path as intelligent beings?
The answers to all these absurd things that are happening all around the world in today's society and characterize the current human civilization as brutal and inhumane can be found in the simplicity of the social "model of the Pack" in the ways that it manifests in its contemporary form through the established institutions with monetary economics, politics, religion and the outdated judicial system.
Sometimes, when I talk to my six year old daughter, I try to instil to her young mind another value system, an ethical system, I try to introduce her to compassion, to solidarity and trust towards others ... I however find my self in a very difficult position.
As a father I fear that in this society of the pack, which we still maintain against all reason, my daughter will constantly fall victim to those that have been taught competition, indifference, personal gain at any cost and guile against the other.
The results of these indoctrinations are pervasive around us, most of us grow up according to these standards, we are indifferent, we are passive and soaked in artificial ignorance, and we have left our modern “civilized” societies to drift into the worst situation possible, apathy.
Fortunately, even today, there are examples of what people can do when they join forces and get out of the stupor of apathy.
I personally do not want to be forced in the future to find an answer to the possible question that my daughter might ask, " Father, didn’t you see how wrong all this was? Why didn’t you do something to change all this?”
I don’t want any child, EVER, to have to ask this question.
We are here to become acquainted to a new perspective, and to awaken our societies to a new direction, not only for mankind but for every living being on this planet.
We are here to be re-introduced to the best qualities that the human species can achieve.
It's time to join forces and stop the apathy and ignorance that has artificially been imposed to us via our modern “society of the pack”.
We must take serious and intelligent steps in order to awaken our fellow human beings to the potential that the Venus Project represents.
The potential to create a society that works together, instead of against each other, towards a sustainable, creative, hopeful and abundant future.
Let us share this vision of the future with many others, a future that is already, slowly but gradually, becoming a realistic possibility for millions of people around the world that have joined the Zeitgeist Movement.
"Change in all things is sweet." Aristotle
The Venus Project
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